


Original price was: $84.97.Current price is: $78.90.

Pumping Iron MK-677 is not a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It is a Research Chemical of the secretagogue class. More specifically it is a growth hormone secretagogue. This GHS (Growth Hormone Secretagogue) is an orally active compound that signals for the pituitary gland of test subjects to secrete growth hormone.

  • 10mg x 60 tablets
  • Effective for bulking, cutting or body recomposition
  • Enhances fat loss
  • Promotes healing and injury repair
  • Excellent as a bridge between prohormone cycles
  • Great for increasing aerobic and anaerobic endurance
  • Non-toxic to the liver
  • Non-hormonal
  • Does not require PCT
  • Safe for long-term use (3-6 months recommended)


Pumping Iron MK-677 is not a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It is a Research Chemical of the secretagogue class, a popular growth hormone secretagogue to raise IGF-1 and HGH levels and support muscle gain and fat loss.

  • 10mg x 60 tablets
  • Effective for bulking, cutting or body recomposition
  • Enhances fat loss
  • Promotes healing and injury repair
  • Excellent as a bridge between prohormone cycles
  • Great for increasing aerobic and anaerobic endurance
  • Non-toxic to the liver
  • Non-hormonal
  • Does not require PCT
  • Safe for long-term use (3-6 months recommended)


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