

Original price was: $91.03.Current price is: $84.97.

Think of Nolvadex as a regulator drug that helps control the amount of estrogen produced in the body so it won’t trigger long term negative side effects. Estrogen levels usually skyrocket after cycling with anabolic steroids and can cause gyno or abnormal swelling of the breasts in men as well as promote excess water retention which will definitely ruin the bodybuilding goals that you’ve spent hours and hours at the gym to achieve.


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Nolvadex is perhaps one of the best compounds to use as a Post Cycle Therapy.

If you aren’t familiar with Nolvadex, its initial use was to help treat breast cancer. It’s also known as Tamoxifen or Tamoxifen Citrate.

Just as clomid, it is also a selective estrogen receptor modulator.

In my opinion, it’s one of the most effective and potent PCT compounds. Mainly because it’s great at restoring the natural hormone production without any nasty side effects.


However, it is not completely side effect free. Users have reported side effects such as:

  • Headaches
  • Stomach Issues
  • Hot flashes


Let’s take a look at a typical Nolvadex PCT Protocol.

Week 1 40mg per day
Week 2 40mg per day
Week 3 20mg per day
Week 4 20mg per day

A typical Nolvadex PCT will last roughly 4 weeks. With a simple Test only cycle, you’re supposed to start taking it two weeks after your cycle is finished.

Based on the many user reviews I’ve read, they all seem to give the preference to Nolvadex as a PCT.

It’s mild, effective and does exactly what you want it to do which is help recover the natural testosterone production.


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